An International Conference on the theme "Global Issues of Poverty, Development and Environment" was organised on October 30, 2021 by the Department of Economics of The Bhopal School of Social Sciences and the Department of Economics of Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore. This conference received an overwhelming response from the Research Community from across the globe. The Research papers were presented by Researchers from countries like Oman, Nigeria, Vietnam, Philippines, Pakistan, Iraq, Zimbabwe and many others. The keynote speakers were Dr. Mona Khare, Head Educational Finance, Center for Policy Research, Higher Education / National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi and Associate Professor Dr. Doris Padmini Selvaratnam, Faculty of Economics and Management, University Kebangsaan, Malaysia.
There were interesting papers received on Gender parity and the role of women in the economy. Any economy is inefficient and operates at the sub optimal levels without full participation of women. The impact of female workforce participation has been emphasised by various papers presented, be it at the micro level of the single industry like Brick kiln and at macro level in terms of contributing to country's GDP. Need for gender mainstreaming too was emphasised with discussions on gender budgeting, analysing the gender specific impact of budgetary allocation. Research papers revisited the impact of land acquisition in terms of human capital and economic development in the 21st century.
The pressing issue of climate change was well represented through the research papers. It is no more a theoretical concern confronted by a single nation but a major challenge faced by the world. Various demographic, economic, social and cultural impacts of climate change were discussed. In these milieus of issues, the role of human perception and media was highlighted in order to curb the impact of climate change.
Suggestions of more targeted, long lasting and sustainable policy changes, focusing upon not only economic but also cultural and social rights of women were discussed issues of economic distress from migration as well as reverse migration as a result of pandemic were discussed as well.
The conference was successful in obtaining useful policy guidelines to ensure that the development and environment linkages are very well understood by the planners and the global problem of poverty is addressed through inclusive growth measures.