05-MAR |
Grade Sheet Distribution Schedule
05-MAR |
Inter-Collegiate Drama Competition
05-MAR |
Blood Donation Camp
01-MAR |
Fees Notice
28-FEB |
Fee Notice
25-FEB |
तालKraft 2K25: Battle of the Bands
17-FEB |
Fee Notice
10-FEB |
Fee Notice for UG 6th Semester Students
07-FEB |
Traditional Day 2025
06-FEB |
Traditional Day - Ramp Walk
28-JAN |
Odyssey 2025 Organized by Department of Management
28-JAN |
Education trip to Azerbaijan
17-JAN |
Second Installment of College Fees (2024-25)
17-JAN |
Application forms for Viewing/Retotaling of Examination Booklets
16-JAN |
Session on Mastering Current Affairs
15-JAN |
Dark cave expedition at Mriginnath Caves
09-JAN |
Session for preparation of Government Examinations
08-JAN |
Fee Notice for UG 6th Semester Students
25-OCT |
Technospark 2024
22-OCT |
Cloth Donation Drive
18-OCT |
Eco-makeover for Old Electronics
16-OCT |
World Nature Day celebration
23-SEP |
Selection Trials for Basketball and Chess Teams
23-SEP |
Events to be organized on observance of World Tourism Day
20-SEP |
Photoshoot for Cyclothon
18-SEP |
Workshop - "Heal the Shield: Protect the Ozone"
05-SEP |
Certificate and Diploma Courses will commence from , 5 September 2024. Students are requested to check the Time Table in their MIS
04-SEP |
Badminton Tournament for College Students
12-AUG |
Fee Notice UG/PG 3 & 5 sem students
09-AUG |
Curricular & Co-Curricular Awards (2023-2024)
18-JUL |
Fee Notice for UG/PG III & V Semester Students
15-JUN |
UG VI Semester and PG 3rd and 4th Semester ATKT Examination form
26-MAR |
ATKT Notice Final Practical Exam April-May 2024
26-MAR |
Notice Final Practical Exam April-May 2024
21-MAR |
Notice for Online Submission of Examination Forms
10-JAN |
Fee Notice
03-JAN |
Interdepartmental Annual Sports Meet 2024
21-DEC |
Notice Second Instalment College Fee
01-NOV |
Notice Second Instalment College Fee
30-OCT |
Final Exam Practical Notice(ATKT)
30-OCT |
Notice Final Practical exam(Regular)
16-OCT |
Notice for Online submission for Examination Forms
18-SEP |
Grade Sheet Distribution Schedule
16-SEP |
Attention All Students Upload your new photo in college uniform through your MIS. MIS => General Menu => Upload Photo Last date for submission: 28/Sep/2023
04-SEP |
Fee Notice for Third and Fifth Semester Students
02-SEP |
Sports Calander 2023-24
17-AUG |
Online CCE - I Schedule
10-AUG |
Curricular & Co-Curricular Awards (2022-2023)
03-AUG |
Fee Notice for Third and Fifth Semester Students
24-JUL |
Result for Regular UG II and IV semester declared and is available in the student's MIS .
17-JUL |
Online Registration of PG Third Semester 2023-24
15-JUL |
30-JUN |
The regular classes for UG Programmes Semester -III and V will commence on 17th July 2023.
30-JUN |
The regular classes for PG Programmes Semester -I and III will commence on 17th July 2023.
30-JUN |
All the students are required to fill out the admission form through MIS from 1st July
28-JUN |
Online Registration of UG 3 and 5 semester
07-JUN |
UG 3rd Year Marksheet Distribution Schedule June 2023
26-APR |
II/IV Semester UG & PG (Regular/EX/ATKT) online examination forms are available on their MIS. Last Date 15/May/2023.
15-APR |
Regular classes for all UG/PG II and IV semester ( Monday to Friday) will be conducted as per the schedule uploaded in students MIS. On Saturday, Remedial classes and Lab will be scheduled.
16-MAR |
Time table for UG III year final exam- April/May 2023
06-MAR |
Registration forms are open for UG III Year Exam on the Students MIS Portal.
23-JAN |
All the UG/PG Students of Third Semesters who have not yet remitted their fourth instalment College fees may pay the fees without fine till 10/Feb/2023 thereafter fine will be charged.
17-JAN |
Classes are called off, for all 3rd Year students for tomorrow i.e. 18th January 2023.
10-JAN |
(Revised) Timetable for 1st semester UG Regular/ATKT January 2023
10-JAN |
Preparation leave for UG First and Third Semester will commence from 11th January 2023.
10-JAN |
(Revised) Timetable for 3rd semester UG Regular January 2023
02-JAN |
All the UG/PG Students of third semester are required to remit their second instalment college fees from 07/Jan/2023 to 22/Jan/2023
22-DEC |
Christmas holidays for all the students is from 23rd December to 27th December 2022. Regular classes will be resumed from 28th December 2022.
17-DEC |
Time table for 3rd semester UG Regular January 2023
17-DEC |
Time table for 1st semester PG Regular/EX/ATKT January 2023
17-DEC |
Time table for 3rd semester PG Regular/EX/ATKT January 2023
23-NOV |
Revised Time table of Mid-Term examination for 3rd Year (December 2022)
21-NOV |
Fee Notice: Second Instalment College fees (2022-23)
14-NOV |
Exam Form Notice for UP/PG I & III Semester
14-NOV |
Distribution schedule of Grade Sheet (UG I & II Semester).
07-NOV |
Monday (07/Nov/2022) is holiday.
28-OCT |
Fee Payment Notice UG ,PG First Semester and UG Third Year Students.
21-OCT |
Deepawali Holidays for all the students will be from 21st Oct to 27th Oct 2022. Regular classes will commence from 28th Oct 2022.
03-OCT |
Submission of documents for 1st Year UG & PG Students.
24-SEP |
All the results of UG second semester have been declared on 24th September 2022. Students can view the same through their MIS.
16-SEP |
Extension of Last Date for Payment Third Semesters Fees.
30-AUG |
(Revised) Fee Payment Notice UG and PG Third Semester Student.
27-AUG |
Regular classes for UG III Semester will commence from 1st September 2022(Thursday).
27-AUG |
Regular classes for PG I and III semester will commence from 29th August 2022(Monday).
24-AUG |
The UG II semester examination which was postponed on 22nd August now will be conducted on Saturday, 27th August 2022. The timing of the examination will be from 2 PM to 5 PM.
23-AUG |
Due to heavy rains, a holiday has been declared on Tuesday (23/08/22) by the orders of the District Administration and DM Bhopal.
22-AUG |
In view of heavy rains "22/Aug/2022" UG II semester examination is postponed. The next date of "22/Aug/2022" examination will be communicated later. All the remaining examinations will be conducted as per the schedule.
18-AUG |
Case Marathon 2022 6th September 2022
12-AUG |
List of Departmental Orientation Venues
12-AUG |
BSSS Jubilee Jashn Brochure
10-AUG |
The timing for the forthcoming UG II semester examination has been changed. The revised timing is from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
06-AUG |
All Student of PG second semesters who have been cleared the exams are required to fill up the admission form of PG Third Semester (II Year) via MIS from 03/Aug/2022 to 16/Aug/2022
05-AUG |
All the results of PG second semester have been declared on 05/Aug/2022. Students can view the same through their MIS Login.
27-JUL |
Students of UG II and III year and PG IV semester can now collect their marksheets from examination cell between 2PM to 5PM on all working days by showing their college identity card.
09-JUL |
The dates of commencement of session and conclusion of UG and PG Examinations, under various faculties for the academic Year 2022-2023
08-JUL |
The result of PG IV semester have been declared on 08th July 2022. Students can view the same through their MIS.
27-JUN |
In view of the Municipal Corporation election on 6th July 2022 in Bhopal there will be holiday as notified by the State Government of Madhya Pradesh. The supplementary examination which was scheduled on 6th July will now be conducted on 8th July 2022. Rest of the time table remains the same.
16-JUN |
Supplementary Exam Form Open for All UG Second Year, July 2022
06-JUN |
Supplementary Exam Form Open for All UG Third Year, July 2022
02-JUN |
All the results of UG final year have been declared. Students can view the same through their MIS Login.
20-MAY |
M.Com 4th Semester Viva scheduled on 20th May 2022. reporting time is 9.30 AM
19-MAY |
Final Notice and Announcement for curricular and co-curricular awards of session 2021-2022
13-MAY |
The result of BA I semester have been declared on 13th May 2022. Students can view the same through their MIS.
10-MAY |
The result of BBA/B.Sc./B.COM( HONS., TAX., ECO., INS., TT, FT, ADV.) I semester have been declared on 10th May 2022. Students can view the same through their MIS.
10-MAY |
Regular classes for all UG Final year for the Academic Year 2022-23 will commence from 11th July 2022 (Monday)
09-MAY |
From 9th May 2022 (Monday) till 15th June 2022, all the classes for UG II / PG II & PG IV Semester will be conducted in online mode.
28-APR |
The result of BPES & BCA I semester have been declared on 28th April 2022. Students can view the same through their MIS.
11-APR |
Regular classes for all UG II semester will commence from 11th April 2022 (Monday).
11-APR |
Classes for all UG II and PG II & IV semesters will be from Monday to Saturday.
08-APR |
The result of PG I Semester has been declared. Students can view the same through their MIS.
03-FEB |
ICSSR Sponsored Two Day National Virtual Seminar on NEP 2020: A Roadmap to Self-Reliant India-Prospects and Challenges - February 18 & 19, 2022
20-OCT |
Regular classes (online + offline) for UG first year will commence from Monday, October 25, 2021. All the students who would be attending the classes in the college have to submit their vaccination certificate as well as parents consent letter to the respective Class Counselor and show the same to Security Officer at the College Main Gate while entering, as without these documents, entry will not be given to the students in the college premises. College Uniform is mandatory for the offline classes in the college.
20-OCT |
All the students who would be attending the offline classes are required to submit the undertaking as per the prescribed format (Click on the notice for the format), along with the copy of vaccination certificate.
06-SEP |
BSSS runs all UG and PG programs in accordance to the norms of Higher Education, Government of Madhya Pradesh and adheres strictly to the recommendations and policies therein from time to time.
14-AUG |
Those students who want to avail the hostel facility may contact Sr. Molly for girls hostel (9406925198) and Fr. Kiran for boys hostel (7489797683, 07552560675)